As a very left wing individual, i am very supportive of adbusters and their ideas. i havent got a new issue for a while, but just found a selection of old ones and have been flickign through them. here's some designs that stood out for me.
This design is right up my street. totally hand done, very basic idea. It does have a "done in school" sort of feel which is quite immature, but if it was for a night that was more my taste, i'd pop along in a second haha.
During the photoshop brief, i strayed slightly from the style of my series in my investigations. I was just playing with the layering effects and merging the photos i took..
Ok, I know this isnt particularly relevant to anything but its a great photo that captures all of the 2 and a half seconds we managed to hold this completely spontaneous human pyramid at a folk punk show in durham over christmas.
I'm not sure who actually designed this, its hard to get in touch with my mate who would know as well, but this is a poster for a gig im playing in durham in a couple of weeks.
I like this style but its a bit miserable, obviously relating to the headline act's name. the use of clashing colours is reminiscent of Never Mind The Bollocks.
This is just function over image i guess. Literally just a sheet of paper folded around the cd. lush paper though! looks like its well travelled haha.
I really like the illustrations on Mike Park's CD. It reflects his personality perfectly - especially "bye daddy". It would have been interesting to see it with different colours though. i love that someone over the pond printed the artwork by hand as well!